Il-Loghba tal-Maktur (Lions & Tigers)

About Il-Loghba tal-Maktur (Lions & Tigers)
Il-Loghba tal-Maktur is much like Ballun Stop in its level of energy and excitement, however this game is played with two opposing teams battling to obtain a handkerchief.
How to play Il-Loghba tal-Maktur (Lions & Tigers)
The rules of the game are simple: A number is given to each member of both teams (e.g. If there are eight people on each team, Team 1 will have players numbered 1-8 and so will Team 2). A neutral participant stands in the middle holding a handkerchief and randomly calls a number. The two players from the opposing teams, with that number, run out and try and take the handkerchief and rush back to their line before being tagged by their opponent. The team who wins the most handkerchiefs is the winner. The difficulty level and the thrill increase greatly if both teams have more than two people on the team with each number, since there will then be four people competing for the handkerchief.
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