Il-Qbiz tal-Lastiku

About Il-Qbiz tal-Lastiku
Il-Qbiz tal-Lastiku is a highly energetic games which very much tests the balance and fitness of the participants. As the names imply, Il-Qbiz tal-Lastiku is played with a long elastic band and was popular in the past mostly with young school aged girls. It was a common game in the 1960s and 1970s and continued to be played in the decades to follow but to a much lesser extent.
How to play Il-Qbiz tal-Lastiku
A large elastic is wrapped around the legs of two people standing with their legs astride and several paces from each other. A third person then jumps in an established pattern while the other two (and any onlookers) chant a rhyme of some sort to help the jumper to keep a rhythm. The two with the elastic around their legs will vary the height of the elastic from around the ankles, raising it to the calves and then up to the knee. This makes it increasingly difficult for the jumper to get over the elastic and to keep balance as he/she will have to jump higher. The winner will be whoever can go through all the different elastic heights and complete the routine without making a mistake or tripping on the elastic. It is quite a task.
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